There are lots of examples of hyperbolic shapes on the internet, particularly of the crocheted kind, but not a lot of explanation as to what is meant by their curvilinear forms. In order to adequately visualise what is meant by these curves imagine you have a carpet that is cut too big for a room. You can lay the carpet out in the room but there will always be a certain amount of excess carpet bulging up. If you try to flatten it out, by standing on it, the bulge travels to a different section of the room. The carpet would fit perfectly into this room in hyperbolic space, because hyperbolic space contains a greater number of degrees of freedom per area.
To think of it a different way imagine an ordinary vinyl record, which is a flat disc of 360º, with a warp in it. Just like with the carpet above no amount of flattening will get this warp out, because it will just be transferred to a different part of the record. The only way that this record would appear flat is if it was viewed from hyperbolic space where circles routinely have more than 360º of rotational freedom. Information is stored on vinyl in a series of pitted grooves. Obviously a record that has a greater number of degrees of rotation has a greater surface area, as well, and this means that it can contain much more information than an ordinary Euclidean record. From this observation we can deduce that an increase in dimensions is also equivalent to an increase in information.
If we agree that the Universe is approaching a singularity in which information and interconnectivity are increasing then we must also assume an increase in the number of hyperbolic dimensional symmetries therein. But if this is so, then why can't we perceive this increase directly?
The answer to this question may lie in the construction of the human brain. Hyperbolic curves appear in a number of different places in nature, for example in kelp seaweed, but they also appear inside and on the surface of the human brain. A baby is born with a relatively smooth surfaced brain, which gradually increases in hyperbolic curvature as more and more neural pathways are laid down. Again we see the correlation between the increase of information and interconnectivity with hyperbolic curvature. While our brains may become more convoluted as we age, the distortion of the brain mantel does not effect our sense of self to any great degree. This may be because although our minds are physically warping, they may simultaneously be increasing in hyperbolic symmetry, leading us not to perceive any distortion in our uniform sense of self or the Universe.
This concept appeals to me because I think that the human brain is capable of far more things than people, and modern day scientists, regularly give it credit for. There are numerous examples of telepathy and precognitive abilities among humans that could be explained by the idea that human consciousness is all interconnected via a higher-dimensional up-link of some kind. Abilities such as astral-projection and remote viewing could similarly have an explanation in the idea that both space-time and the human brain have an equivalent amount of warpage (i.e. considerable) allowing for the likely-hood of such fantastic things like wormholes, stargates and time warps to be much more common than first expected, and at the same time also directly related to the nature of mind.
Calabi Yau 10-dimensional manifold has curvature
similar to that of the human brain.
From this point of view the increasing curvature of the Universe as it moves towards the singularity is as much a result of human development and ingenuity as it is merely the evolution of the Universe itself. This suggests that in order to prevent the singularity from happening we, as a species, need to abstain from all worldly desires and pondering. Interestingly, this is not too far off what the Buddha taught and what many Eastern Yogis, Taoists and Native Americans believe. From experience I know that this abstention is what gives meaning and enlightenment in this world, i.e. the less we interact with the world on an egotistical level the more the world offers us in terms of incites and wonders. The contradiction here is that in discovering and compiling this knowledge I might be contributing, in whatever small way, to the likelihood of the singularity occurring.
If human consciousness is indeed the driving force behind the curvature of space then it must also be the responsible for the force known as dark energy, which is expanding the Universe. Dark energy is our increasing conscious experience of the world, while dark matter, I argue, is our enduring sense of self.