Thursday, February 16, 2012


The Large Hadron Collider is getting closer and closer to its stated aim; finding the Higgs Boson. The Higgs is a particle which acts as an exciter to the proposed Higgs field, and thusly gives mass to matter. The main determinant in an objects mass is the amount of energy the object is divested of. However, this energy is only really converted into mass in the presence of the Higg's field.
The blue/green zig-zag line depicts the path
of a particle as it moves through the omni-
present Higgs Field. The straight green line
shows a different particle moving at the speed
of light, and therefore avoiding the Higgs Field

The green/blue zig-zag line is the path of a particle that is stationary – i.e. moving with respect to time (the vertical axis) only. It will keep bumping into the field lines (black lines) of the Higgs Field because it is traveling in an over-all perpendicular trajectory to said field lines. A particle that is traveling at the speed of light (on the other hand) warps space-time according to the Lorentz contraction thereby moving in a diagonal trajectory. This means it avoids the field lines altogether and therefore has no mass and shed loads of energy.Time does not pass for it, it travels in space only. 

The particle which encounters the Higg's field has its energy divided by the speed of light squared, as per Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. This means that its large energy value is divided by an almost equally large constant, giving rise to a relatively small amount of mass.

The Higg's field is described as omnipresent, which means that it exists everywhere in space and time. If this is true how could any particle avoid it and in doing so become massless? Diagrams which are devised to show particles interacting with the Higg's field, depict the field as a series of horizontal lines. I submit that these lines are, in fact, equally distributed in time as well as space, meaning that you would encounter precisely the same field lines if you were traveling at relatively low speeds, as you would if you were not traveling at all. This suggests that the Higg's field is akin to some kind of Holographic Time Grating. A particle which is traveling in the time axis only is continuously bumping into this field (which is time itself) causing a zig-zag motion, which slows it down and gives rise to mass.

Stylised diagram showing ordinary space
and Lorentz Contracted space in the same graph.

Now this is all very interesting. But what is even more interesting is how the omnipresent Higg's Field interacts with matter on a 4 dimensional level to create reality, as we know it. For a demonstration of how this happens please watch the video below.

You may have noticed that the interference patterns (which are holographic in nature) are, for the most part, composed of zig-zagging lines; just like our particle trajectories.

What this means is that beyond (or outside of) the Higg's field there exists an expansive holographic interference pattern that is 4D in nature. This interference pattern is the mesh of everything that will exist, everything that has existed and everything that could possibly ever exist. In short, it is God i.e. a self-organising pattern that is timeless and intelligently designed.

But if an omnipotent God exists with a map and a timeline to all of creation, how can free-will be also said to exist? 

Only parts of an object's entire 4-d wave function can be interpreted through the minute, straight-line apertures of the Higg's field grating, at anyone time. These snapshots, or 3D manifolds of the objects exist – played out one after another – but they are not to be thought of as sequential, existing as they do through-out the entire spectrum of the waveform.

This 4D wave that describes all of the possible interactive and internal states is, of course, holographic in nature, and therefore, a fractal. This means that any part of the information of the entire wave function can be accessed at any one time, much like a computer can access files on a hard-drive.  It is by the same application of the above process by which free-will is preserved and restored.

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